Sóc infermera i quan comença el confinament a Barcelona (Espanya) porto 6 mesos jubilada, tinc 65 anys i es considera que sóc persona de risc. No obstant això, penso que puc fer coses des de casa. Em poso en contacte amb el col·legi professional, m’ofereixo a ajudar al professorat de l’escola d’Infermeria. Telefono a alumnat i graduats, m’interesso com estan i em poso a la seva disposició. Vaig buscant de quina manera puc contribuir en aquest moment de crisi. És difícil organitzar el voluntariat quan la urgència es viu als hospitals.
Els dies passen i vas trobant on poder donar un cop de mà, aprofitant el saber construït a patir de més de 40 anys de treball, estudi i investigació. M’incorporo a un grup de suport emocional que, tot i que ja existia a una organització política, s’amplia i dinamitza arrel de la pandèmia.
A demanda de persones que han estat positives al covid19 i que estan fent l’hospitalització a domicili, o bé ja els han donat l’alta, es fa un grup autogestionat de télegram i em responsabilitzo d’orientar-lo i moderar-lo.
Comencem el dia 7 d’abril, avui, a 25 del mateix mes, el conforma 10 persones amb diagnòstic. Diferents edats i sexes, diferents situacions laborals i mateixos valors i interessos que es mostren en el decurs dels dies en que el xat és més actiu. Comencen les pors i l’interès per l’altre. Segueixen els malestars i els consells d’hàbits saludables. Dels dolors es passa a l’alegria per la millora en general i sobretot per un membre que, tot i que el seu nom no era al llistat, ha estat sempre en el text, el marit d’una participant que ha estat prop de 30 dies a la UCI.
En aquests 18 dies de missatges a totes hores del dia, hem fet molts aprenentatges i hem recuperat el valor de les coses quotidianes, hem trobat l’essència del tenir cura que ens fa més persona, hem vist que és important compartir, escoltar, sortir de la mirada endins per pensar en l’altre, alhora que ens podem pensar nosaltres mateixes, hem recuperat aficions oblidades com la música, la lectura o la contemplació; activitats que en el confinament ens han ajudat a conviure amb la malaltia fins trobar un nou equilibri, en el que el benestar sigui la recuperació d’una salut holística.
El grup segueix en actiu, restarà obert per atendre les necessitats que sorgeixin, no obstant això, pensem que hem superat una primera etapa.
Gràcies a totes per la maduresa que heu mostrat en un moment difícil.
I am a nurse and when confinement began in Barcelona (Spain) I had been retired for 6 months, I am 65 years old and I am considered a person at risk. However, I thought I could do things from home. I got in touch with the professional college, I offered to help the teachers in the school of nursing. I called students and graduates, I care about how they are and I put myself at their disposal. I was looking for how I could contribute in this time of crisis. It is difficult to organise volunteering when the emergency was experienced in hospitals.
The days go by and you find where you can lend a hand, taking advantage of the knowledge built from more than 40 years of work, study and research. I joined an emotional support group that, although it already existed in a political organisation, was expanding and energising in the wake of the pandemic. At the request of people who had been positive for covid-19 and who were doing home-hospitalisation, or who had already been discharged, a self-managed telegram group was set up and I am responsible for guiding and moderating it.
We started on April 7, today, on the 25th of the same month, it is made up of 10 people with the diagnosis. Different ages and genders, different work situations and the same values and interests shown in the course of the days when the chat is most active. Fears and interest in the others began. Discomforts and healthy eating tips followed. From pain one goes to joy for improvement in general and especially for a member who, although his name was not on the list, has always been in the text, the husband of a participant who has been about 30 days in the ICU.
In these 18 days of messages at all hours of the day, we have learned a lot and recovered the value of everyday things, we have found the essence of caring that makes us more of a person, we have seen that it is important to share, listen, go out from looking inward to thinking of the other, while we can think for ourselves, we have recovered forgotten hobbies such as music, reading, or contemplation; activities that in confinement have helped us to live with the disease until we find a new balance, in which well-being is the recovery of holistic health.
The group is still active, it will remain open to meet the needs that arise, however, we think we have passed a first stage.
Thank you all for the maturity you have shown in a difficult time.