Every years, the Stichting Zuster Vernède provides grants to activities and projects that focus on the history of nursing and caregiving and the Vernède Thesis Prize is awarded every two years to a student who has written the best bachelor or master thesis. This can be either in the Netherlands or in Flanders.
The winner of the 2022 Prize was Tim Debroyer. With his master thesis, titled ‘The end of tuberculosis? Treatments and patients’ experiences in the Sanatorium Elisabeth in Sijsele (1945-1986)’, he shows how big a part nurses played in the elimination of TB as a disease. This thesis also reveals how invisible the work of the nurse often is. The prize was presented on May 20 by the jury of the Stichting Zuster Vernède.
The jury was composed by: Dr. Catharina Bakker (historian, board member and jury chair), Prof. Dr. Frank Huisman (medical historian), Dr. Timo Bolt (medical historian), Dr. Floor Haalboom (medical historian) and Prof. Dr. Marieke Schuurmans (nursing scientist).
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Tim and we hope to read his job as soon as we can!